Kim Platt

Implants: McGhan/Inamed/Allergan 410 
Implanted: 2004
Diagnosed: December 2017

Diagnostic Journey:

I was diagnosed with BIA-ALCL in December 2017 after 2½ years of following an effusion/seroma.  All of my fine needle aspiration on 3 separate occasions all tested negative for ALCL so my surgeon was in agreement to watch it at that time.  After having a routine implant exchange in December 2017 I was diagnosed with BIA-ALCL. 16 days later I had another surgery to complete a capsulectomy on the ALCL side and a prophylactic capsulectomy on the other side that was negative the ALCL.          

I have had 3 PET scans since my diagnosis that have all be negative for any further lymphoma.  I consider myself as cured and a survivor of a man-made disease that will require more investigation and education to women around the world.