Rising Up & Helping Friends

The Just Call Me Ray Foundation was honored to present a check yesterday to Tina.  Tina is battling Small Cell Lung Cancer and it is inoperable.  Tina’s son is getting ready to graduate from boot camp in San Diego this month and the Just Call Me Ray Foundation helped Tina get to San Diego, she will be with her son at his ceremony.

The JMCR foundation was set up with 3 platforms to help others.  The first is funding for Breast Cancer, paying for mammograms for those who do not have coverage and also funding for Komen and other areas of educating women on early breast cancer detection.  The second is funding and education for Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, a rare form of cancer linked to breast implants.  The third way the foundation helps it through helping people rise up through their cancer battle.  The Just Call Me Ray Foundation is happy we can have Tina and her family celebrate together.

Fundraising efforts are through the May 7th, 2016 event – RayDay5K and the Wine for a Cure – sign up at RD5K.com and also the Hope with Hoses and Handbags held in September of each year.  All proceeds collected go towards paying it forward.  Adam Puchta Winery has also been a huge supporter – through wine sales of their “Save a Rack” wine and their annual Doe Camp held in November, they have donated thousands of dollars to JCMR.  Multiple private donations have also helped make this possible.