Ontario, Canada
Incidental Dx
Implants: Allergan Natrelle Textured Style 115
2009 to 2015
In situ – 6 years
Journey to Diagnosis:
No symptoms
Routine mammogram at age 50, difficulty with left implant image
Hard, marble lumps on left breast post mammogram
Rupture & LNI confirmed by MRI
July 2015 Routine Rupture Diagnosed, re-op scheduled
Surgeon chose to replace implants, despite concerning appearance of capsule
July 2015 Pathology Report BIA-ALCL, CD30 positive ALK negative
Explant Prior to Oncology Work-Up:
Surgical oncology was performed by Plastic Surgeon, despite clear margins of breast tissue, metastasis to pec muscle and mesenteric lymph node with small bowel involvement.
Oncology Staging & Chemotherapy Relapse:
Staging and lymphoma treatment was done at Large Cancer Centre. Following Stage IV diagnosis, my cancer failed to respond to standard lymphoma protocol with excruciating side effects from: (6) CHOEP and salvage chemotherapy (2) GDP; Gemcitabine, dexamethasone and cisplatin.
My failure to respond lymphoma protocol is common within our patient group, our distinct solid tumor disease is a hybrid for hemapathology oncologists. We strongly recommend our Patient Group seek treatment from large academic cancer centers for best-practice approach.
Brentuximab has proven itself in our Patient Group. We recommend Brentuximab as first line of treatment for the 30+% in need of adjunct treatment. Most cannot access this targeted drug treatment without failure on existing Lymphoma protocol, for Insurance, Medicare or National Health Care. I achieved N.E.D. (no evidence of disease) after (4) Brentuximab, through clinical trial.
Without the benefit of oncology recommendations via MedPub case reports for Stage 4, the Tumor Board, opted for Stem Cell Transplant as my best chance to avoid recurrence. 90 Days post Stem Cell Transplant, I agreed with my Tumor Board, despite the lack of evidence for Radiation and BIA-ALCL, additional benefit may be achieved with 15 rounds of radiation. Radiation was targeted to Pec muscle tumor only, as abdominal radiation risk out weighed potential benefit.
Like all BIA-ALCL patients, I experience financial decline in addition to my health. In additional to the emotional and mental effects of any cancer patient, our diagnosed women face unique additional challenges.
Our man-made cancer lacks awareness by clinicians, a legacy of narrative on breast implants is no longer accurate. Symptomatic patients are not being assessed for malignancy risk, oncology testing and treatment protocols need drastic improvement.
Patient concerns are a unanimous and consistent on a global level.